A laboratory relocation is a lot like a recipe. For everything to come together in the end, there are steps, processes, and measures that need to be taken. While it’s critical to have all of the necessary ingredients, it’s also key to put them in the right order. Just as there was likely some trial and error when attempting to bake the first cake, the relocation of your laboratory, its equipment and assets don’t have the luxury of a learning curve.
This is why experience matters in getting you from point A to point B on time and on budget. Just like getting your meal from the pantry to the kitchen to the table requires a process, so does getting your lab safely and efficiently to its new location; these are the steps.
These are all the typical steps that make up the laboratory relocation process. This process is a full-time job, which is why the experienced, expert engineers and project managers at Overbrook handle it for you. With proven strategies and experience, downtime, cost, and risk can all be mitigated by outsourcing your next relocation, restoring your peace of mind.