The Luxon/LDTD ion source is a disruptive high throughput technology invented and patented by Phytronix Technologies (Canada), and distributed in the US by Overbrook Scientific.
The Luxon/LDTD makes use of a laser diode to thermally desorb a dried sample into gas phase, and by transporting the neutral species through Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI) using compressed air. The Luxon/LDTD achieves a very fast and efficient sample introduction into a tandem mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS) in less than 5 seconds. It is a direct sample introduction source that does not require chromatographic separations prior to detection via tandem mass spectrometry. A technology that is superior to anything on the market.
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The fundamental characteristics of solvent free APCI allows limited to no ionic suppression effect up to the corona discharge capacity which differs from the physical interactions with ESI.
As the LDTD vaporizes the sample in a few second desorption, many molecules ionize at the same time. Nevertheless, as the ionization is exempt of ionic suppression, interferences are reduced to a minimum by the fundamental aspect of the LDTD of solvent-free APCI.
In LC-MS/MS, the main part of the specificity relies on MS/MS which is dependent on the parent mass and the daughter ions. A probability of 2×10-7 or lower is considered as sufficient. Chromatography represents 10-1 in the total statistic. The technique by its nature has to separate compounds to avoid ionic suppression. Luxon/LDTD uses the MRM transitions to achieve specificity. It also includes separation of the volatile/non-volatile molecules in which there is no ionic suppression to contend with. Almost all the molecules using the Luxon/LDTD reach the minimum probability for specific analysis in a regulatory environment.
The Luxon/LDTD requires little deviation from your existing sample prep methods. Techniques such as protein precipitation, liquid-liquid extraction and solid phase extraction (SPE) are generally used. Minimal adjustments to preparation volume may be needed.
Most OEM LC/MS/MS are suitable for Luxon/LDTD.