Convincing upper management of the necessity to bring on a qualified lab relocation specialist/equipment planner can be a challenge, especially when the high costs of designing and building the laboratory are already being incurred.
Many laboratories start the process already at a disadvantage, as the asset lists required to be submitted to the architects and engineers are often incomplete or inaccurate, delaying the project right from the start.
A qualified lab relocation specialist can properly perform the function of auditing the assets of the laboratory to provide the critical, bedrock data required to properly design and build the laboratory as well as provide instrumentation engineering expertise to assist with confirmation of the instrumentation’s umbilical and technical requirements.
Instrumentation engineers can focus on the requirements of the assets to be placed in the new laboratory, which can include confirmation and testing of power receptacles, confirming clearances, checking gas lines, confirm proper venting, etc. They can also assist with any remedial actions required during the move, due to last-minute deviations affecting instrumentation installations.
Relocation managers are project managers for lab moves and specialize in lab instrumentation.
Just as the facilities team already has full time jobs, the lab relocation specialist’s job will be to focus on the laboratory’s relocation. This mitigates potential risks associated with cost overruns and delays of a lab relocation project. A failure to do so can directly affect burn rates, diverted labor, troubleshooting costs and quality control.
An OPM focusses on the expansion or relocation project as a whole and may not necessarily have the skill set or technical knowledge required to properly focus on the assets in the laboratory. A lab relocation specialist can focus on the assets of the lab and possess the instrument and utility engineering expertise.
A bench-level understanding of the assets and laboratory workflows and an understanding of laboratory personnel requirements to perform their daily tasks is also critical in the design of a new laboratory.
A qualified lab relocation specialist will understand the laboratory, establishing credibility and cooperation among diverse cross-functional teams of scientists, facilities, lab management, architects, engineers and support personnel within the organization and can provide this essential ingredient for the success of the project.
Many different variables affect the cost of a lab relocation. Expenses, after the design and construction costs, can include the phasing of the move, the number of relocated assets, the scope of work involved, the replacing and purging of assets, mover and environmental, health, and safety (EH&S) costs, and multiple other costs associated with decisions made during the process.
As the lab operations manager, you already have a full-time job.
Aside from specializing in the instrumentation, a relocation manager can serve as an intermediary between the science team and the variety of vendors involved in the relocation of the lab, including instrument vendors, service providers, movers, environmental, health, and safety, etc.
It is not uncommon, due to oversights or bad planning, that remedial action is required in the middle of a move. This can include pulling out and reinstalling benchwork, replumbing gas and electrical lines, expanding doorways and windows, replacing receptacles etc. Responsibility for many of these last minute changes can fall on the facilities team.
A qualified Lab Relocation Specialist will have the instrumentation engineering expertise to help avoid oversights and can assist with last minute deviations to the plan, taking the burden off of the facilities team and help mitigate costly delays and cost overruns.
A qualified and experienced relocation manager will allow you to focus on the facilities and provide you with peace of mind knowing your lab relocation's technical details are covered.
Discover the importance of hiring a lab relocation expert as soon as you know you will be relocating.
Discover how a lab relocation specialist can mitigate the risks of a disorganized relocation.
Learn how a lab relocation specialist can help protect your investment and help your clients.